Nobel Energy


Glensol to train foreign technical specialists

Glensol to train foreign technical specialists


  • 建立新的服务热线,为海外工程师和技术人员提供培训
  • 本地公司为外籍员工提供高质量的培训,达到国际标准


Glensol, Nobel Energy’s field operations and equipment maintenance subsidiary, 高兴地宣布,它已启动一项旨在培训伊拉克石油和天然气技术专家的技术培训方案. 

培训将在格伦索尔在巴库为巴士拉能源公司(BECL)技术人员举办的世界级研讨会上进行。, the main contractor at the Rumaila oilfield in Iraq, the third largest field in the world. 

Based on the agreement, 格伦索尔将提供以下主题的培训:机械旋转设备, Electrical Equipment, Mechanical Static Equipment and Control System and Field Devices. 


The first module, which covered the Mechanical Rotating Equipment theme, was successfully delivered on 7-11 September. 

Anar Orujov, 格伦索尔副总监表示:“我们很高兴能够开启新的篇章,通过我们的技术培训计划,格伦索尔将与行业工程师和技术人员分享其经验, and very pleased to have our Iraqi colleagues in the first cohort. 我们相信,Glensol的主要资产- -一支高素质的工程师和技术专家队伍- -将以最有效的方式向伊拉克同事提供该方案, while extending our new training product line overseas. 

Glensol’s advanced ‘One Stop Shop’ workshop, equipped with modern technology and facilities, 该地区是否有一个最适合的平台来举办所需水平的理论和实践行业培训. 我们很自豪能够成为少数能够以非常高的国际标准向外国劳动力提供高质量能力培训的阿塞拜疆服务公司之一。”. 



Note to editors 

Established in 2012, as a field operations and equipment maintenance subsidiary of Nobel Energy, Glensol一直是值得信赖的供应商,为本地和国际石油和天然气公司提供旋转设备, including turbomachinery services and controls, 运营和维护服务-为一些主要的能源公司在该地区和世界各地.  

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